Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When To Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that addresses the abdominal region. The abdominal walls and muscles are tightened and loose skin is stretched over the abdomen to create a tight look. Excess skin that creates a saggy look is trimmed off. A tummy tuck is good way of addressing saggy tummies. It does come with side effects that include scarring and a lengthy recovery period.

Tummy tuck is not a magical procedure if you are thinking of losing a lot of weight quickly. You should address your weight problem with proper diet and exercise first before even considering a tummy tuck. The main reason is you overall state of health. Being overweight greatly increases you risk while undergoing major surgery. The amount of fat and skin that needs to be removed could also cause too much trauma for your body. As such, get your weight down to a stable level first before considering a tummy tuck.

Pregnancy can be a cause for a saggy tummy. Some pregnancies can overstretch the skin to an extent that it cannot recover its natural shape due to loss of elasticity. If you are considering post-pregnancy tummy tuck, then make sure that you have fully recovered from your pregnancy before undergoing a tummy tuck. This is to give your abdomen time to heal and build its strength before being subjected to surgical trauma. If you are considering more pregnancies, then it may be worth it to see out all planned pregnancies before going for a tummy tuck. Some pregnancies can undo the effects of a tummy tuck.

If you have undergone some other abdominal surgery, then consult your doctor and a tummy tuck surgeon about what effects a tummy tuck would have on your old surgical scars. Small surgeries like removing the appendix would probably not complicate a tummy tuck, but having an intestinal resection could rule you out of having tummy tuck. Giving birth via cesarean could also be a factor that can complicate a tummy tuck.

Overall, it is good ideas to consult a doctor and go through every detail of your health before undergoing a tummy tuck to reduce the risk of complications during and after surgery.

Want to learn more about Tummy Tuck Picture?, feel free to visit us at:

Tummy tuck Surgery Atlanta

Tummy tuck Surgery Buckhead


  1. Abdominoplasty is not a magical procedure, if you're planning to lose a lot of weight quickly. A tummy tuck is a good way to cope with sagging stomachs. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that deals with the abdominal region.

    Tummy tuck

  2. Medicine in particular, make sure you discuss any concerns about your surgery, nose jobs and ask the doctor.

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  3. Tummy tuck is the procedure to reduce the level of over fat. After this procedure people can get the better and good shape of its body.
    Tummy Tuck Toronto

  4. Looking at the woman's pictures makes me want to have a tummy tuck in Manila right away. I'm 35 and have 3 children and have a tummy like a hammock. There's no way (after 3 chunky babies and 2 csections) I'm ever going to get my lovely tummy back unless I have a TT. Good thing I have read your blog. This is very helpful! Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Great Post,This is a very attractive and amazing post regarding Tummy Tuck Treatment. I appreciate your posted information.
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